Peter Höglund
Interaction Designer


My name is Peter Höglund and I am a interaction designer from Malmö University, Sweden.


Malmö University - Interaction Design, 2010 - 2013

Cape Peninsula University of Technology -
Three Dimensional Design/Graphic Design, Spring 2012

Uppsala University - Business Economics, 2004 - 2007


Freelance, doing graphic design, web development and interaction design projects, Since 2010

AB Hällde Maskiner - International Area Manager, 2008 - 2010
Responsible for international sales markets with a sales budget of approximately 10 million SEK. Work included regular long distance travels to meet with customers.

AB Hällde Maskiner - Market Communications Manager, 2007 - 2008
Creating, and providing the sales team, with advertising/sales material.

Komet AB - Market Assistant, part time 2006 - 2007


Malmö University, K3 mechatronic lab (The Institute of Interactive Objects) -
Lab assistant
Assisting and supervising interaction design students as well as having physical prototyping classes and running prototyping workshops.

Public Relations Manager for the Kontaktdagarna team,
Föreningen Uppsalaekonomerna, 2006
Kontaktdagarna is an annual exhibition at Uppsala University providing social science students with the opportunity to meet with the business world. Kontaktdagarna has 3000 students visiting more than 70 companies.

Voluntary work at Malmö Klätterklubb (Malmö Climbing Club)


Swedish, mother tongue

English, fluent spoken and written


Perfect knowledge in HTML, CSS, Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Dreamweaver

Good knowledge in Arduino, Processing, PHP, XML

Average knowledge in Java, 3D Studio Max